Free Support Through Our LinkedIn Group
Our Pro Bono LinkedIn Group
What you will find:
- Job postings for members posted by us or other members
- Articles for job seekers and/or those in any form of career transition.
- Career event announcements.
- List of many of the best URLs/Job Site Lists and articles about the most friendly employers hiring age 40+ job seekers.
- Discussions including personal “commercials” started by job seekers to stand out to hiring managers.
- Questions and answers posed by group members.
- Short links to videos on leveraging socials networking sites such as and Twitter to provide job seekers with a competitive edge.
- Tips, tools, and other resources.
- Access to the recruiters, direct hiring managers, coaches, resume writers, and others.
To join or access our Employer & Candidate Connection group on LinkedIn, click on the following link. Be sure to actively participate in this community and “pay it forward!” Free events such as Zoom Networking & Coaching calls are held regularly. Be sure to look for announcements which contain registration links to these events! ALL in transition are welcome, as are those who wish to help by paying it forward.
Employer & Candidate LinkedIn Support Group: or